Neurological Specialists

Dr. Tal Mednick, MD is a Neurology Specialist in Commack NY and has 14+ years specializing in Neurology. Dr. Mednick has extensive experience in Headache, Epilepsy, and Neurodegenerative Disorders and a unique approach to diagnosing and treating patients.

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Graphic of brain with electricity coming out of it
Graphic of meditating person on rock
Our Practice

We Take a Holistic Approach to Neurology

We understand that diagnosing and treating neurological issues can be difficult, and finding and approaching a care facilitator is often intimidating. At Tal Mednick Integrative Neurology we provide a comprehensive, quality approach to the diagnosis and treatment of the full spectrum of neurological conditions, including but not limited to what is listed under the “conditions treated” section of this website. A holistic and individualized approach is used for the care of each and every patient, not following an algorithm or cookie cutter recipe to treat a condition. It’s not just the particular condition we treat here, it’s the entire human being.


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We start with a consultation to learn about you.

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Our care plans are unique and consider your specific needs.

Stories of Success

Find Your Peace of Mind

Living with neurological disorders is stressful enough, treatment shouldn’t be. Get started with a consultation so we can learn more about you and find a treatment plan that works for you.

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